Saturday, November 9, 2013

About Modem and Various Types

GP modem
Modem imageThe blessing of technology, world has connected to any place. You can one click on your computer and it connect you any part of the world. Connect you any part of the world, It’s possible for electronics device, it’s called Modem. Modem is one of the most popular hardware in communication system. Modem connects with telephone line and created communication to anyone. The name of Modem comes from Modulator and Demodulator. Modem works both of, like Modulator and Demodulator. For this reason it called Modem. It’s works at analog and digital signals. When it works then it convert analog signal to digital signal and digital signal to analog signal. Some time it called DCE (Data Circuit terminating Equipment), because it connect computer with network.

various types of Modem :

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